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Tuesday, April 12, 1938

I sewed in A.M.  To dentist in P.M. met Marion & Mary Elizabeth Meyer, all had "Cokes" in drugstore.  Sewed until late in evening.  Arthur did a nice crayon little thing.

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Wednesday, April 13, 1938
75˚ in P.M. Thunderstorm -

Swell letter from Louise Rehm, saying too one of the paintings so "to become part of them."  Later - one of McCausland's finest articles on Dove show.  Later - a lovely letter from Elizabeth.  I had a shampoo, dash of wave.  Arthur wrote to Mc.C. Elizabeth, Rehms, Mr Van Epps (more furnace trouble at 512.)  I finished and pressed my new "traveling clothes," the lord be praised, say on both.