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wants me to give him a short statement about our [[red underline]] Cresol [[/red underline]] imports and for what purpose.  Then went to see Dr. [[red underline]] Penniman [[/red underline]] who has charge of permits for [[red underline]] Cresol imports. [[/red underline]] Warm reception there.  Did not know Cresol was so essential.
[[strikethrough]] Then went to see Dr. Leith [[/strikethrough]] Met also Dr. Leith and [[red underline]] Stephen Mather [[/red underline]] Commissioner of Federal Parks and many others all [[red underline]] glad to see me [[/red underline]] and to be of service a very busy day.
Evening the [[red underline]] Belgians, De Man, Manaut, De Jace, Stiets and Van Hecke [[/red underline]] at Cosmos Club  
Went with them all to a Chinese Restaurant to eat Shop Suey.  A very busy day with much variety.
[[strikethrough]] April [[/strikethrough]] May 11.  At Cosmos Club. Early morning meeting with
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Dr. [[red underline]] Sichrist [[/red underline]] who came to discuss use of [[red underline]] Bakelite [[/red underline]] forms for [[red underline]] honeycombs for bees. [[/red underline]] Then meeting [[red underline]] Naval Consulting Board Admiral Winterhalter [[/red underline]] present  
Discussion about relative merits of [[red underline]] destroyers and submarine chasers [[/red underline]] for attacking submarines.
[[strikethrough]] Sprague [[/strikethrough]] [[red underline]] Frank Sprague's opinion of more than 16 months ago is gaining ground in [[/red underline]] practice.
Meeting much disturbed by that [[red underline]] tactless egocentric and rather onesided professor, Webster [[/red underline]] who brings a lot of copies of the Springfield Republican in which there is one of his [[red underline]] characteristic blundering [[/red underline]] letters.  Tries to do the right thing by defending [[strikethrough]] Squ [[/strikethrough]] [[red underline] General Squires and Coffin [[/red underline]] but manages to queer their cause in the