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becomes bluer on account of its nearness to the inlet finally terminates with a low bridge (about 8 feet headway. I [[red underline]] found a boy there spearing fish he had [[/red underline]] just speared a red [[red underline]] mangrove snappered [[/red underline]] of which he made me a present. The tide [[red underline]] was just rushes in thru [[/red underline]] the narrow concrete opening of the bridge and the water rushed out as if it were a mill race. I tried rowing thru a couple of times but it seems impossible. I then tried to find a side opening of Tavernier creek thru the mangrove bushes directly into Bootle's Bay as indicated by the Government Chart but since this chart was first designed, rank mangrove
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growth had filled up the connection. I tried rowing and poling under mangrove roots and trees  but [[red underline]] had to give up the [[/red underline]] attempt and concluded to return by the same way I came. Thru Bay of Florida, going thru the 5 foot cut indicated by posts and then steering directly to our stranded boat.
Shortly after dinner the two [[red underline]] Williams [[/red underline]] and [[red underline]] Sawyer [[/red underline]] arrived with a [[red underline]] motor boat [[/red underline]] and two [[red underline]] flat ships [[/red underline]] loaded with lumber and tackle for constructing a crib. The weather is calm and not too sunny which makes work pleasant The men wade in the water and have transformed one of these flat bottom boats into a [[red underline]] carpenter shop [[/red underline]] on which they build the