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The total run including time [[?]] for trolling and stopping at Jewfish station is about [[red underline]] 9h 25 min. [[/red underline]]
We had headwinds all the time sometimes strong sometimes very mild.
Boiled two of our large [[red underline]] crawfish [[/red underline]] and made our lunch of it.
Arrived in Miami [[red underline]] Albert [[/red underline]] went to telegraph and post office and brought letters. One of [[red underline]] George [[/red underline]] indicates why he wants to take up mining engineering etc. [[/red underline]]
Another of [[red underline]] Celine [[/red underline]] explains why they decide to marry Date for infringement suit far from settled. Sent another long telegram to [[red underline]] Celine [[/red undelrine]] expressing my good will and sentiment to [[red underline]] George and Cornelia [[/red underline]]
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Also a letter from [[red underline]] Remanchamps who tells me [[/red underline]] about the agonies of Belgium and [[red underline]] that he lost one of his sons. [[/red underline]] Went to bed about 8PM
Jan 15. A quiet very restful sleep. only one hour boat anchored near Club. Mild weather, sunny weather Have sent yesterday 4 blank checks $ [[strikethrough]] 4000 [[/strikethrough]] 1000 each to Celine for emergencies news from infringement suit very unsatisfactory, [[red underline]] Judge Chatfield unwilling to set a date. [[/red underline]] Went out for a stroll thru the town walking beyond the bridge across Miami River. Everything looks bright and sunny. Went back for lunch, the remainder of our cold crawfish of yesterday. At 2P.M. sharp - which [[red underline]] Celine wired me as the hour [[/red underline]]