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and telephoning; expected Townsend but he did not arrive.
[[red underline]] Celine and Nina [[/red underline]] returned toward evening.
[[red underline]] Celine [[/red underline]] gave me the envelope containing the disclosures of [[red underline]] Dr. Benedict. [[/red underline]] I read immediately and am confirmed in my belief that [[red underline]] contrary to what he thinks the product is full of uncombined water. [[/red underline]]  Spent all day in my laboratory repeating his experiments. This far [[red underline]] I see no practical uses [[/red underline]] for the process as he describes it. He very much underestmated the practical limitations. Evening Townsend came here to confer about [[red underline]] Wappler Formica - Redmanol [[/red underline]] suit Also disclosed to him the subject of the several patents I intend to apply for along the lines [[strikethrough]] of [[/strikethrough]] described while I was in Perth Amboy
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Aug 26. Early in my laboratory. Spent there all day. [[red underline]] The more I study that reaction the less I see any possibility for using it [[/red underline]] for any practical purposes. The reaction is violent, difficult to control in large quantities and the final product do neither have the strength and excellent appearance of bakelite nor do they offer any possibilities for electrical uses. Shrinkage in heating or drying seems to be due to elimination of water. The cost price per lb. as calculated by Benedict and Rossi is way too low. unless he calculates of leaving in equal volume of water!
Aug 27. Early in my laboratory. The results I obtain are as far as I can see [[red underline]] identical with [[/red underline]] the samples Dr. [[red underline]] Benedict [[/red underline]] showed me. But thus far I see nothing which