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or due to exposure of my naked shoulder last night, when the temperature suddenly dropped while the fan was going. At the same time I note my blood temperature shows 100°F as a trace of fever. All this [[strikethrough]] was [[/strikethrough]] may be due also to the fatigue of packing [[strikethrough]] m [[/strikethrough]] and handling my baggage in my hot cabin today, prior to our arrival tomorrow. Considerable noise on deck and celebration this evening. The younger element staying up late until about midnight 
We dropped anchor before the Staten [[red underlined]] Island Quarantine [[/red underlined]] station
[[underlined]] Sept 10. [[/underlined]] Up early. Boat docked about 9 A.M. Warm weather and sultry. [[red underlined]] George there to [[/red underlined]] help me thru Custom house Paid $6.50 taxes on a few bottles of Rhum & champagne. Dick there with car. [[red underlined]] Celine and whole family are back from camp [[/red underlined]] since yesterday. All very well. Arrived in Yonkers in time for luncheon with Celine. My shoulder still hurts considerably and my temperature still 100°F.  There has been a storm yesterday and leaves and branches everywhere. Otherwise garden
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and everything look well.
[[underlined]] Sept 11. [[/underlined]] Went to office - Warm weather. - Net earnings for August very low = about $7000. Business everywhere has receded and everyone is wondering what will happen after next election in November, and is cautious and undecided.  Dissatisfaction against Roosevelt and his advisers is growing among democrats like Al. Smith as well as amongst republicans. A Liberty League [[strikethrough]] has [[/strikethrough]], non partisan has been formed to react against the exaggerations of Roosevelt and his advisors
[[underlined]] Sept 12. [[/underlined]] I weighed myself today [[red underlined]] My weight naked is now 165 lb while it was 169 when I left on my trip. [[/red underlined]] - Pain on shoulder gone and temperature again normal
[[underlined]] Sept 13. [[/underlined]] 
[[left margin in red]] Robert Hare portrait [[/left margin in red]]
Went with George to Toch to see the copy of portrait of [[red underlined]] Robert Hare, [[/red underlined]] by Alvin A. Lee, a young artist who made the copy, full life size after a ^[[photo]] miniature in colors of the origi-portrait now existing in Philadelphia and which Dr. Edgar F. Smith had given me several years ago. - We all found it an excellent piece of work and I gave my check for [[red underlined]] $200.00 [[/red underlined]] as agreed upon to Lee. - Am glad this matter is attended to. As soon as the painting is well dry I shall ship it to [[red underlined]] Gerard [[/red underlined]] secretary of La [[red underlined]] Maison de [[/red underlined]]