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[[underlined]] Dec 7, 1932 [[/underlined]] cont.
Walt Holt, Mac Hoke, Fred Falconer, B. Garrett, Fred Marshall etc. Home & to bed.
Dec 8, 1932
Attend Nat. Woolgrowers at Multinomah Hotel after caring for mail. Fred Marshall, Chet Wing-Hugh Baber, Fred Ellingwood. Sid Smith & Joe Sears.
Dec 9, 1932
Same as above & talked with numerous others. F. L. Ballard home to dinner with me.
Dec 10, 1932
Same. Sat with Predatory animal committee & home at 6:00 PM. Catalogued birds.
Dec 11, 1932. Catalogued birds & worked around home all day
Dec 12, 1932. Birds of Oregon & mail. reports. Catalogued birds all evening.
Dec 13, 1932. Birds of Oregon Mail - Cat birds in evening
Dec 14, 1932. Birds of Oregon Mail - Cat birds in evening
Dec 15, 1932 Conference of Oregon staff in office & worked catalogueing birds in evening.
Dec. 16, 1932. Conference of Oregon Staff & cat birds in evening.
Dec. 17, 1932 Conference staff & birds in evening
Dec. 18, 1932. Catalogued birds a while & then decided to go to lake & see how things were. Found road icy - things alright at lake and raining buckets full. Returned home at 700 pm.
Dec 19, 1932. In office - look at mail - meet Comstock and leave at 1100 AM. Stop at Vancover to look at gulls and then to Olympia. Saw Couch & visited him & on to Tacoma at 1000 pm.
[[underlined]] Dec 20, 1932. [[/underlined]] Lv Tacoma 800 AM and go to Seattle where I inspected our furs with Williams and attended sale at Settle Fur Exchange. Our good skins sold better than expected but poor stuff did