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Sept 11, 1936
All day in office. Steele out to Dinner.
Sept 12, 1936
In office until 2:30 PM. Clara came & we tried to celebrate. Bot a hat & she looked so tired that we went home & she promptly slept balance of afternoon. Out to dinner in evening to Penn [[De?]] hotel. Girls all over to Broadwaters.
Sept 13, 1936
Up late & out to Urchins place no birds to speak of. Everything still 
Sept 14, 1936
Kids started to school. Clara brot me to office and worked all day then catching train out to St Louis at 6:00 PM.. Lincoln, Crouch, Callaghan and Day aboard.
Sept 15, 1936
Enroute. Tried to rest my eyes and arrived St Louis at 5:30 PM.
Sept 16, 1936
Conference with game wardens. Talked in the morning & attended meetings.
Sept 17, 1936
Continue conference. Yellow dog initation in evening. Conferences with regional directors.
Sept 18, 1936
Went to  Chautauqua Bottoms with Gil Gigstead. Looked over refuge & had dinner with him and caught train at Peoria at midnight.