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Sept 22, 1936 (Cont)
7.Hairy Woodpecker 1 on Salmon trout
8. Downy Woodpecker(C)
9. Northern Flicker 2 on Salmon trout
10. Horned Lark 2 on club farm
11. Blue Jay (C)
12. Northern Raven (1) on Salmon trout
13. Pine Siskin 3 near Winter Cabin
14. Savannah Sparrow 4 club farm 1 collected
15. White crowned Sparrow 1 at Salmon Trout dam
16. White throated    " [[ditto for Sparrow]] (a) everywhere
17. Slate colored Junco (C)
18. Lincolns Sparrow 1 club farm 3 on Salmon trout
19. Fox Sparrow 2 on Salmon trout missed them both
20. Palm Warbler 10-12 on club farm
21. Brown creeper 1 on Salmon trout
22. White breasted Nuthatch 1 on Salmon trout
23. Red breasted     "  [[ditto for Nuthatch]](C)
24. Chickadee (C)
25. Golden crowned Kinglet sev on Salmon trout
26. Hermit Thrush (2)
The White throated Sparrows have a funny little chirp that I never heard before. It seems to come from the young birds.
Sept 23, 1936
Up at 7:00 AM but due to a job fixing cameras did not get away until nine. I did not care because I felt punk. About noon I got my legs to working & feel better tonight as I write these notes. We went to a Mountain Lake landing to see the mink set and found it OK. Then to Rush Lake. Hiked along the south shore to Pony Lake where we separated the