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[[solid line]] Monday July 7,1873 [[solid line]]
Dense fog & rain at intervals, wind fresh from eastward. Morning overhaul plants &c. P.M. go out dredging & get a new species of reversed pleurotomoids.
[[solid line]] Tuesday July 8th [[solid line]]
Day windy, wind squally from west & SW, cloudy over head with fog & rain squalls go ashore in A M & take angles from the two ends of the base line & in P.M. from Cave [[symbol]] [triangle] [[/symbol]]. Evening stormy.
[[solid line]] Wednesday July 9 [[solid line]]
Stormy all day, wind very strong from SSW, cloudy & rainy. Work in A.M. over chart & angles & in P.M. skin birds &c. 
[[solid line]] Thursday July 10 [[solid line]]
Storms & rains & blows furiously from SW all day. Mend clothes.
[[solid line]] Friday July 11 [[solid line]]
Storms & rains from S all day, not quite so hard as yesterday. Go to trout brook in A.M. & get 328 salmon trout, trout & 4 sticklebacks P.M. overhaul azimuths.
[[solid line]] Saturday July 12 [[solid line]]
Day half clear wind fresh Westerly. Spend the day running shoreline, on the N Side of the harbor. Obs for time by
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