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Baker & Capt Herendeen, Back by 6 P.M. Evening closes cloudy
[[solid line]] Sunday July 13 [[solid line]]
Rainy & cloudy in A.M. Half clear in P.M. Get observations for azimuth and pick up a few minutiae on the beach.
[[solid line]] Monday July 14 [[solid line]]
Day half cloudy, light Northerly winds Start at nine pm & spent the day running shore line from South Head [[triangle symbol]] to South End [[triangle symbol]]. Mr Baker gets some equal altitudes & circummeridian observations. Capt Herendeen gets some bearings from a hill in the middle of the island, on some of the outlying islands. Return about 7 P.M. cloudy
[[solid line]] Tuesday July 15 [[solid line]]
Cloudy with some fog & moderate easterly wind. Go over to Little Kyska and run the shore line take the angles & alter the position of signal. Back by 5.30 P.M. Evening rainy
[[solid line]] Wednesday July 16 [[solid line]]
Platting shore lines all day & arranging collections in P.M. Rainy foggy & strong SE wind
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Bearings from Hill on the north part of Kyska Island by Capt Herendeen.
Reef stretching toward Pillar Rock N.54 W
Pillar bears N 60 W. 2nd day 62 W
Bouldy v " [[ditto for: bears]] N 65 W? " [[ditto for 2nd day]] 78 W
High head NE part Kyska N 53 E
N edge Iron Id - N70 E
S " " " [[dittos for: edge Iron Id]] - N 86 E
S edge Little Litkin S 88 E
N " [[ditto for: edge]] Rat Id  S 78 E
NE corner Little Kyska    }
S edge Rat Id             }in one S 75 E
small Id off Little Kyska }
S edge Amchitka  S 69 E
Island [[triangle symbol]] S 55 E
S Head [[triangle symbol]] S 41 E
S End  [[triangle symbol]] S 4 W
Astron [[triangle symbol]] S 7 W
Belt of Lowland with lakes cuts across the island just North of this peak & between it and the north Peak-