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[[preprinted]] W. ATLEE BURPEE CO. [[/preprinted]]

[[underlined]] Page Four [[/underlined]]

[[underlined]]WHAT BURPEE'S SEEDS HAVE DONE FOR ME [[/underlined]]

They gave me - the greatest returns I have ever had from a two dollar investment. Truly a hundred per cent satisfaction.

They turned - an ordinary back yard seventy feet by fifty-five feet into an attractive, beautiful, sanitary garden spot.

They supplied - fresh, delicious, health giving vegetables for the entire family - and a surplus.

They became -  an economical factor in holding the family food budget within reasonable limits.

They promoted   and maintained my health through daily pleasant, much enjoyed exercise, obtained in cultivating and planting.

They reconfirmed   my faith in God, the Higher Power showering upon us good gifts in abundance, providing "Sustenance for every living creature".

They furnished   a means by way of surplus crop to establish friendly relations with neighbors.

They enabled me   through excess yields to show an inexpensive but greatly appreciated courtesy to friends."

Mr. Heyman Gabriel,
209 Dauphin Street,
Mobile, Ala.