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[[preprinted]] W. ATLEE BURPEE CO. [[/preprinted]]

[[underlined]] Page Fourteen [[/underlined]]

[[underlined]] WHAT BURPEE'S SEEDS HAVE DONE FOR ME [[/underlined]]

"Burpee's Seeds have won the county prize of $75.00, also state prize of $500.00 for me.

By using Burpee's Seeds we make our living."

L. B. H. Smith,
R. F. D. #2,
Frederick, Md.

"Uniformily excellent, true to their description. 
Seeds Tested and true, sold upon honor.
Best vegetables of all are Burpee introductions."

Wilson G. Shelly,
McPherson, Kansas

"Found that Burpee's Seeds would grow."

Chas. F. Kelley,
Route #2,
Oakland, Md.

"That summer we had our entire living from it, canned and stored vegetables for winter and sold over one hundred dollars worth to the tourists."

Mrs. S. M. Watson,
Tekoa, Wash.

"Did everything that they did say".

Mrs. E. W. Magruder,
305 Maryland Avenue,
Clarendon, Va.

"Have been awarded five sweepstake prizes.
I always use Burpee's Seeds and can always depend on them."
I received enough money for my first season to light my home with electric lights from top to cellar, also bought an electric iron."

Evelyn M. Treworgy,
Norris Farm,
Box 36,
Hampden, Maine