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older processes of producing pictures for multiplication in the press (relief engraving, intaglio engraving, lithography, and the surrogates devised to take the place of these processes), aids in drawing used by engravers, and by draughtsmen for photo-mechanical processes, methods of reducing and enlarging, and the modern photo-mechanical processes (phototyping, photogravure, photolithography, calligraphic processes, Woodburytype, etc.)  On the western side are shown the specimens illustrating the various methods of drawing and painting, with the monotype, and the historical collection of relief engravings, intaglio engravings, lithography and color printing.  As an appendix there have been added some specimens showing the industrial applications of printing.  The collection of photographs, illustrating the history of painting, is also displayed on this side of the hall. The arrangement adopted has already, however, shown itself inadequate, and a re-arrangement and filling up of gaps is impending, although the