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Tony Garofalo
The decorator introduces himself to me and says: "My name's Ross."..... I thought that sounded pretty masculine until I found out his first name was Betsy..... I said: "Do you have something to do with the Flag?"....... He said: "Not during my working hours." ...... I said: "Look, Mr. Ross"....He said: "Call me Betsy."..... I said: "Okay.... Betsy.....I want the place to have the 'under done' look.... something subtle, understated elegance. What can you suggest?" .....He said: "I work best in magenta, puse, cerise and avocado."..... I said: "So I noticed, but enough about your outfit, what about my place."..... Then he tells me he must have complete creative control of the house with no interference from me or Fang. He said: "I did Joe Namath's apartment and he didn't come [[underlined]]near[[\underlined]] me." I said: "Your kind of trouble he doesn't need." Oh...... and when he had to [[underlined]]see[[\underlined]] to believe....... the whole room filled with cherubs, red velvet, hanging vines. It looked like a combination of the Sistine Chapel and Trader Vic's. I didn't know whether to have a party or a christening. (high mass)