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held with various moving companies, and that in order to meet the schedule for a public opening in the spring of 1974 it will be necessary to engage a mover by February of 1973. In response to a further question from the Chairman, Mr. Hirshhorn assured the Trustees that this would be done.

[[underlined]]Committee on Exhibitions[[/underlined]]

Mr. Hamilton, the chairman of the Committee on Exhibitions, began by making some general observations on the relation of museum trustees and museum directors in the formulation and implementation of exhibition programs. The Chairman, expressing the warm sense of the meeting, asked Mr. Hamilton to submit a written version of his extremely insightful statement for inclusion in the Minutes of the meeting. (This text will be circulated to the members when received.)

It was pointed out that Mr. Hamilton's position as a museum director, as a trustee, and as chairman of the Committee on Ethics of the Association of Art Museum Directors, gave added weight to his views on this delicate and important subject.

Mr. Hamilton proposed that Miss Houghton be added to the membership of the Committee on Exhibitions, and said that he will have other suggestions for new members at the next Trustees meeting. He intends that his committee shall work closely with Mr. Arnason.