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23rd April 1950. 

A poor, dull, cold day, with strong W. cold wind, almost drizzling.  In afternoon drove to Glending, via Rathcoole & Rathmore, with Marcus Graham & J.P. Brunker, & collected by beating for an hour conifers on Co. Wicklow side of boundary where the birch & ash saplings are now all cleared away for fear they might kill out the blessed conifers.

Beaten from Conifers (Spruce) in Glending, Co. WI.

Phygadeuon sp.  1♂︎, 1♀︎.
Hemiteles cf gracilis  ♀︎.
H. sp.  2♀︎♀︎, rather bigger than last.
Pimpla "examinator" Auctt.  small ♀︎.
Orthocentrus radialis  ♀︎♀︎ in great abundance.
Stenomacrus ventralis  2♀︎♀︎, very sort & fresh looking.
Plectiscus sp.  2♂︎♂︎, 2♀︎♀︎:  1♂︎ 1♀︎ kept.
Procto = Cryptoserphus laricis  ♂︎.
Microgaster globatus group  ♀︎.

24th 28th April. 

Cold with frosty nights & snow shower, but milder, with drizzle on 28th when I drove J.P. Brunker to R. Liffey, near Osberstowntown Co. KD. to see Salix nigricans, of which several ♀︎♀︎ seemed 100 per cent. with glabrous capsules.  Later went over the Liffey aquaduct 


& along Grand Canal to Landenston.  Saw one Green Veined White (? sex) freshly hatched & sitting on rush stem.

Heavy rain on night of 28th-29th &  till midday on 29th, then beautifully warm & sunny till past tea time.

Many plants in garden came out during the week & in spite of cold nights including the 37+ year old Orchis mascula from near Torr Head, Co. AN.  Arctostaphylos uva-ursi from Skerry[[?]] & Agnews Hill, Andromeda, & many of the Mossy Saxifrages, &c.

29th April.

Very warm, wet in forenoon, all sunny & very hot in afternoon.  Rain at night.

30th April 1950.

After a drizzle at dawn & off & on in morning, fine in Dublin, but elsewhere with showers, drizzle & drip.  In afternoon drove through Naas to Dunswood where tried to collect in Birch-Willow scrub as on site of wood, but rain spoiled everything.  Then drove to Blessington via Harristown & Ballymore Eustace & so home at 5.45 P.M.  

At Dunstown Wood, Co. KD. took:-
[4 mtd. & these labelled 3.5.1950!]

Phygadeuon sp.  red ♂︎ (Graham)
Sagaritis sp.  ♂︎, ant. 30.
Dacnusa cf. mamertes Nixon  ♂︎, black lets, ant. 26.  
Ephedrus brevis  ♂︎, ant. 10/11
Chalcid.  Torymas? green ♀︎.

On new shoot of birch found dried skin of a caterpillar killed by a Rogas from which em. a R. nigriceps ♀︎ while we were in Dorset, i.e. between 16 May & 7th June.