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20th July 1950. (Thursday). Another fine day, but after strong, hot, SW. in morning, it changed to SE & chilly at 12.50, again formed inland & heavy rain passed out to sea over Skerries to the north. Left home about 11 o'clock & drove (George, Daisy & I) to Portrane. Left car at N end of the Burrows & spent day around the N end of the peninsula & salt-marsh. About 2.0 PM, SE wind suddenly fell & till 3.30 not a breath of wind; then SW breeze but very light, with a skiff of rain on SW came back.

Collected by sweeping in 3 areas:
1 = coastal strip from where left car to salt marsh - in shelter of sea bank. Wind very strong
2 = salt-marsh & strip of dunes outside this
3 = fallow fields & coastal strip - as at 1 but during calm spell & more in the fields than along strip.

Bombus lucorum,, including a ♂
B. terrestris, ♀♀ seen.
B. muscorum, ♀ seen.
Pompalid ♂ seen on shore near where car left.
Oxybelus swept at 2, where formerly common but the whole promontory outside marsh either carted or blown away

20.7.50, cont.  Portrane, Co. DU.

Taken at 1. Very windy! 12 noon till 1 P.M.
Dryinid ♂ =  . Pompilus of gibbon. ♀. not kept.
Cryptic, viduatorur ♀, ant.35. Pegomachu instabili, 1 large, 1 small. 2 ♀♀, ant both 20.
3 other: 2 only, mtd.= Pycnocryptus peregrinator ♀, ant. 28
Exolytus np (o+?); ant. 27.
Homocidus: not mtd.
Camfrplegid = Meloborin (Diadegma) crassicornis ♀, ant. 37.

Bracon anthracinic, ♂, 7♀♀. B. communis. 11 ♀♀ {2 mtd. ant. 26 & 28.
B. Fusciconis ♂, ant. 34.  B. cf. phaerociphalus ? ♂. ant 41.
B. varuator ? pale var. ♀: not mtd.
Hormius mniliatus ♂. ;[[strikethrough]] not measured [[/strikethrough]] Taken at 2 & not 1! P.T.O. _->]
Sigalphus candatus 5♀♀: not mtd.
Apantilus  np.  ♀: not mtd.
Diopilus capito ♀: not mtd.
Opius app 3 = O. levis 3 ♂♂, ant. 22.2 X 23.
Bioteres procerin ♀. not mtd.
Alynia manducator ♂: not mtd.
Darmusa of. areolaris 1 ♂: not mtd.
D. thusa Nixon:  a very nice ♀, ant. 23.
Aphidius of. pterocommae ♂ + ♀ ant. 22 x 21. }
Chalirds 2: 1mtd.={Diptera 2= Hemotelus if uliginosus

Transcription Notes: