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3.8.50, cont.  Moanbane, Co. WI., cont.

about 7 x 18 yards, surrounded by a fringe of Carex goodenowii - the alt. of summit is 2,313 ft. The pond is deep & has vertical sides - quite firm - & in it were Whirligig Beetles & a large Water Boatmen (Notonecta!) but I saw no sign of the waterbeetle Agabus arcticus. on each side of the pool we found several small plants of Vaccinnius Vitris-Idaea. We returned via the Ballystockan Brook to Ballystockan farm & so back to car.

Had lunch on ridge NW. of the "Skinny Flags" at 1.30 PM. & tea at the car just N. of the bridge over the Cock Brook. Collected by sweeping, rushes, &c., above the "Skinny Flags" at ca. 1800 to 2,000 & took a minute Hemiteles ♀ on margin of the summit pool at 2,313 feet. And after tea swept along the wet ditch between road & lake shore, a little N. of the Cock Brook. Saw much Saxifraga stellaris by streams at the "Skinny Flags" on N. face of Moanbane, & one clump of Carex laevigata. Empetrum nigram very common from about 1250 (?) to summit.

Pinguicala lusitanica by swamps on way down near road. Viola lutea (all yellows) abundant on the pastures to over 1,000 ft. Collected mosses for Miss Thomson on N. face & summit of Moanbane.

[[left margin]]
Sedum album, Lychnis divina & Linaria vulgaris in ditch below Ballystockan farm!
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3.8.50, cont.  Moanbane, WI., cont.

Insects swept on N. face & summit of Moanbane = (1).
Phaeogenid ♂ = Dicaslotus of pumilus ?? ♂, ant. 25. [16 mounted froml + these labelled 26.2.1954.]
Hemitele of. gracili ♀- ant. 20., 

Hemiteles sp. ♂ ant. 20. 
[[?]] bellator ♀ on Pimpinella saxifraga flowers. not mtd.  
Caddis fly =
Beetle: very small [[image: looks like ladybug in shape]] =

Transcription Notes: