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C. H. Brown,

Photo Solomons
[[end page]]

[[start page]]
Ornaments, shells across forehead. Buttons as amulet
noses shells
Goitre        Hogs

Dwarfs (2)  bearded v old
Burned in fire.
Gossip.   Pig strangling
pigs ear marked [[continuation line to paragraph at bottom of page]]

Slave boy.   Widow
Houses on crest of hill
Sea two hundred feet below on three sides,

[[continued from mark above]]
roasted over fire, some ten or 15 ^[[insertion]] [[half hour?]] [[/insertion]] minutes & these scraped one exploded - steam,
Woman's dress - [[used?]] - brought to me.
[[line across page]]
Home. Gloomy -
Mats on floor - Fire
between each - food.
elevated for bed.
Pigeon , yam, 2 var. - [[?]]-[[Cold?]]