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with view of range & big bay, with half dozen islands.  Across from Tenabuli bay.  Forest 100 ft. in back of the house.  Open inside
[[underlined]]Signa?[[/underlined]]. [[Grembracid?]] Polydesmid heavily plated.  Ridges with numerous damp gullys.  Fallen timber.  Cleared paddocks in [[underline]] [[Tettigraae?]] [[/underline]] in swarms on ground.  Light in [[brush?]].
Single black [[underline]] [[Daceliniae?]] [[/underline]] 
Chopped log apart looking for more.
Mosquitoes, flies, sand flies.

(Fulahora - hole through the rock.
Thornbills [[risoles?]]

[[end page]]
[[start page]]

[[images: 2 insects]]

[[line across page]]

[[Rhoso dogs.?]]
Excitement - babies's tooth.
Horned frogs. poison snakes. Fever & grouch.

[(Bisnelli?]] - avacado seeds.  Spring catalogues.  General catalogues Montgomery Ward & Co.