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[[image - drawing of the Smithsonian Castle]]
Washington, D.C. 20560

December 20, 1974

Mr. S. Dillon Ripley
Secretary, Smithsonian Institution
Washington, D. C. 20560

Dear Dillon:

It gives me great pleasure to transmit to the Board of Regents herewith a report by the National Armed Forces Museum Advisory Board, as approved unanimously at its meeting on December 16, 1974.

The report results from the Advisory Board's participation in the investigation and survey of lands and buildings in and near the District of Columbia suitable for the display of military collections, pursuant to the provisions of Section 3(a), Public Law 87-186.

I should point out that, under those same provisions, it now remains for the Board of Regents to submit recommendations to the Congress with regard to the acquisition of lands and buildings for such purposes. 

With kindest regards I remain, as always,


[[signature]] John Nicholas Brown [[/signature]]

John Nicholas Brown
National Armed Forces
Museum Advisory Board
