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[[underline]] Executive Staff of the Smithsonian Institution Brochure [[/underline]] 

In response to a request from Mr. Watson at the last meeting of the Board of Regents, a brochure has been prepared including a photograph and biography of the executive staff of the Secretary.

[[underline]] Dates for Next Meetings [[/underline]]

The following dates were generally acceptable.
Executive Committee: Wednesday, May 7, 1975
Board of Regents: Wednesday, May 14, 1975

[[underline]] Adjournment [[/underline]]

The meeting adjourned at 6 p.m. and the Board of Regents joined their wives, the Secretary and Mrs. Ripley, and executive staff in the Great Hall for dinner.

Respectfully submitted:
[[signed]] S. Dillon Ripley [[/signed]]]]
S. Dillon Ripley