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Atlapetes, Sept. 30, 1962, III  

KS. While in the flock(s), the PR's uttered a number of songs. Mostly "Warbles," like the ones uttered yesterday and earlier today. Apparently mostly as "greetings" (although the birds were never really visible when their songs were uttered in the flocks.) One burst of "Warbles" was definitely preceded by R's,, like the R's of PL's. Others included definite R-components ("Sreeeeeeee" type) within themselves.
The songs of this species are really remarkably warbler-like (but not much like the local Basileuterus and diglossine-like. Is this mimicry? Designed to attract the local diglossines??????
Later in the morning, near Guasca itself, I saw a pair of PR's which were quite alone (except for Andean Sparrows, which were everywhere in the area, but did not seem to pay any attention to, or be paid any attention by, the PR's.) This species is certainly not always a member of mixed flocks.

Atlapetes, I 
October 24, 1962
Mts above Bogota

I watched a lot of PR's here today.
For approximately 15 minutes after 5:30 a.m., I heard a lot of songs which were similar to, but not identical with, the songs of the PL's in Venezuela. As I saw no PL's in this area, I think the songs must have been uttered by PR's (although I never saw the birds actually singing. The songs were comme ça: