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April 26 IV

[[in margin next to this paragraph: 2 exclamation marks and blue shading]]

Interesting, one of these fights. Pair land ♂ does U. ♀ does U-FB Then they started attack neighbor. Much U-ing and HF's, orientated vis a vis one another. ♀ FB ends. (♂ may have also, but I'm not sure). Then ♂, facing ♀, begins deep, hoarse, rhythmic copulation call; mouth very wide open.  Mounts.  Slips off immed. Both U.

[[underline]] OLO after² attack  O¹⁷.U¹⁸.O. before⁹ attack  O before¹⁰ attack  O before¹¹ attack  U after⁴ attack  [[/underline]]

[[ !! in margin ]] Mutual U-HF after unsuccessful copulation attempt.

OLO. OLO. OLO. OLO.  OLO.O¹⁸. OLO⁵. [[underline]] U after⁵ attack [[/underline]] O¹⁹. OLO. OLO.  [[underline]] U after attack [[/underline]] 3:15  OLO. OLO. OLO. OLO⁵⁷. O.O²¹.

[[3 shaded blue squares in margin]]  Three cases mutual combing  ♂ U-HF  ♀ U-FB  3:25

April 27

5:40 a.m.  Cold and strong wind.  Overcast.  Gulls just flying by.  Probably going to be a very bad day, in all senses.

OLT  [[underline]] U before attack¹  U after attack¹ [[/underline]] 

[[shaded grey square in margin]]  MC of ♂, ♀ U-HF - FB- FB- PAT  ♀ landed first, alone, joined by ♂ who gave Long Call as he came down.  Afterwards both relax, start to preen.
Very cold 6:40

OT. OLT. OLT. U. [[squiggle underline]]OLT¹[[/squiggle underline]].  [[underline]] OT¹ after attack [[/underline]] OLT⁵. OLT⁶.

10:40  [[underline]] U before² attack  U after² attack [[/underline]] U².U³. HF OLT⁷. OLT⁸ OLT⁹. U⁸.U. 

1:00 p.m. [[squiggle underline]] OLT. OLT. OLT. OLT⁵. [[/squiggle underline]]  OT. OLT. T¹.T².

U.U.U³.  OLT². OLT³. OLT⁴. [[underline]] OLT before¹ attack 
U after³ attack [[/underline]] Bird in[[underline]] OLT attacked U after being attacked [[/underline]] U⁴