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Mixed Diglossini, Sept 24, 1962, IX    42

ters, refrained from singing.

There was also a single White-spectacled Redstart associated with this mixed flock throughout. It was definitely on the outskirts, on the sides, and to the rear, following, I.E. its role not the same as that of the Collared Redstart in Chiriqui. Doing a lot of flycatching. Silent throughout.
[[left margin]] Glor  Inter [[/left margin]]
All this happened in the midst of the B Glor's territory! For the first 5 minutes after the flock appeared, B Glor was nowhere to be seen, Then, when the flock had moved on a little, he suddenly appeared about 20 ft away. 

[[left margin]] Glor [[/left margin]]
Quite silent. Then followed flock and joined it! Still Silent. I couldn't see the members of the flock very well at this stage;
[[left margin]] Inter [[/left margin]]
but I am certain that B was once within 5 ft of the Inters. He just sat and looked at them (while they fed).

[[left margin]] Glor [[/left margin]]
All 3 birds quite silent. Then the rest of the flock moved on, and B remained behind. 

[[left margin]] Gen [[/left margin]]
It would certainly appear that different species of local diglossini seldom come together except when associating with species of other groups.

[[left margin]] Coer  Cy  Inter [[/left margin]]
I now know why the Coers, Cy, and Inters (and associated species) have been appearing in the peculiar way they have. The road along which I have been working cuts right through the only stretch of fairly dense thicket and woodland that extends from the bottom of the valley to near the crest of the mountain. The birds presumably descend to warmer climates for the night, and then work their way upward (using the stretch of thicket and woodland as a channel) in the morning.

[[left margin]]Inter  Glor [[/left margin]]
My great problem now is - why is the pattern of the Inters so much like that of the Glors - as the two forms don't actually resemble one another in the field. Is the plumage of Inter more significant vis a