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Mixed Diglossini, Sept. 26, 1962, III 

[[left margin]]Glor[[/left margin]]
There X's quite disappear again.

[[left margin]] Glor [[/left margin]]
X male has certainly sung much less today than yesterday (and probably less yesterday than the day before). A has sung less today and yesterday than the day before. It looks as if the peak of sex has just been reached, or just passed, here now. I have been lucky!! Leaving X area 6:45 am 

[[left margin]] Glor [[/left margin]] 
C is still singing. He is obviously behind his neighbors in the breeding cycle. 

See a single silent Glor feeding (on flowers) in A area.

Other Glors in sunny areas already very quiet.

[[left margin]] Glor [[/left margin]]
7:35. All the Glors much less active & vocal today than yesterday at the same time.

[[left margin]] Inter [[/left margin]]
7:40. Single Inter appears, about 20 yds from where pair was seen day before yesterday. Panning rapidly uphill, in both trees and bushes. Not associated with other species. Apparently looking for food.  Utters a few soft single "Teet??" in bushes. Then longer "Treet"s in flight. Then disappears.

[[left margin]] Glor [[/left margin]] 
The area in which this bird appeared was certainly Glor territory. No glors visible or audible at time

[[left margin]] Inter [[/left margin]]
Then I follow uphill in direction Inter was going. Quietly come across mixed flock, including 1 White-spectacled Redstart, at least 2 Basileuterus XI, 1 unid. Sclerurus-type farnariid, flycatcher(s). But can't see Inter! Still it seems likely Inter was at least following their flock. Probably eventually the same flock as the 2 Inters were associated with the day before yesterday.

[[left margin]] Glor [[/left margin]]
This flock definitely in area of pair of Glors (not B). A few seconds after the flock moves on, the Glors appear Feed. One sings.

Transcription Notes:
"Inter" as one of the red words in left margin refers to the "Intermediums" she talked about on other pages. Glor and Albi are just shortened forms of the birds' names. Albi means white. PANNING - moving his head fro, left to right and back searching for some food, like a cameraman moves the camera from one side to the other to do a panorama shot.