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Stoughton Oct 17th 1948

Dear Doris

This is the warmest day we have had for a week but windy, very sunny, a good washing day. I have just hung out my clothes on the front line & they are  everlasting blowing & will dry very quickly, the leaves are blowing down street they are turning very fast, a pretty time to drive off to see the foliage! 

I was sitting up stairs yesterday in the front chamber serving, when who should come but Mrs Bruce with her rent money $20. we were waiting for her & both agreed it was reasonable it was the cheapest rent in town & answered for three different families. she said Mr Blake was very nice when he asked them if they would pay more, so they were not at all put out. & she said that the key to the barn was much safer down there, in case of fire, there were nearer than over here, with the Drake girls away all day.

Mr Propello said they hadn't given up the idea of selling this house & moving away if they could make the bargain. little Gracie told us they were "going to move into a great big white house" not a brick house so she told him when be brough[t] our  groceries yesterday.