Viewing page 13 of 156

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[[start page]]
105 (Rub.)    Det. B. Verdcourt 30/11/50
[[underline]] Pentas parvifolia [[\underline]] Hiern
106 (Acanth.)
107 Tribulus terrestris L.
108 Plumbago
109 (Commelinae.)
    Commelina africana L. var. africana
110 (Vitae.)
111 (Rub.)
112 (Liliac.)
113 Rumex
114 [[checkmark]]
115 (Commelin.)
    Commelina reptans Brenan
116 [[checkmark]]
117 (Capparidae.)
[[end page]]
[[start page]]
[[clipping from a printed source]] 
Juja Farm, the estate of W.N. McMillan, near Nairobi, British East Africa; altitude about 1500 meters
No.       Dr. EDGAR A. MEARNS, Collector      May 20-26, 1909
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