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Dominica 25.

VI-25-36 Spent the morning packing away specimens. I have accumulated a large number and they're beginning to dry out in the vials. I'm also about out of new vials, so I must empty some of the others.
 After tea we walked up Morne Bruce. Had a fine view of Roseau Valley and the town but it was a little too cloudy for pictures.
Station 251.
East end on top of M. Bruce, above Roseau. At dusk caught flying 8 Staphs (Paederinae - 3, Coproporus pulchellus - 2, Coporporus sp. - 1, Aleocharina - 2), 1 Hydrophilid, 1 Mordellid, and 1 Bastrychid. In flowers took 7 Nitidulids, 2 Chrysomelids and 56 other Coleoptera. The Copropporus was a large red species. The Mordellid is pale yellowish.
VI-26-36 I went collecting again to the Layan River. Asked at Hillsboro Estate about cocoa, but was told that they hadn't cut any for several weeks. Tried the beach, etc., but found exactly nothing. On the way home explored several side roads without result, and finally gave up.
 Received the permit to own and operate the radio from Government Offices. it specifies that no code (or Morse) message shall be decoded or divulged. Nuts!
 After tea went to collect at dusk at
Station 252.
Same as sta. 236. 1/4 mi. north of Boery River.
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Caught flying about a large cattle pen 16 Staphs (Onytelus - 1, Paederinae - 1 and 4, Stilici - 1, Philanthus - 1, Coproporus pulchellus - 2, Coproporus sp. - 1, Aleo chara - 1, other Aleocharinae - 1 and 1 and 1 and 1), 1 Carabid, 6 Hydrophilids, 1 Histerid, 1 Nitidulid, 1 Bastrychid, 1 Aphodinae, 5 other coleoptera, and ants, flies, hymenoptera, and bugs. The Coporporus is similar to that taken on M. Bruce yesterday. There were 12 species of Staphs represented.
VI-27-36 The boat which arrived yesterday was the S.S. Frank Seamann. It brought no mail for us, but did bring the extra wheel for the motor from St. Thomas. I didn't get it through the Customs (free) till noon, and then spent the afternoon putting it on in place of the worn real tire, and in making other adjustments. These included cleaning the rear chain and completely dissembling the carburetor, which wasn't very dirty. While I was readjusting the carburetor I found the source of all my troubles. With the carburetor adjusted for idling the motor won't pull and vice versa. There's a wide different between the adjustments. Don't know what to do to fix it.
 The boots also arrived from EB. Had to pay over two dollars duty. They're almost too nice to wear.
 Listened to notification speech of Pres. Roosevelt. Didn't think much of it.